- 建國科技大學講師(2001.08~ )
- 臺灣觀光學院講師(1998.08~2001.07)
Ho, H. C. and Liao, S. L. "An analysis of errors in college students’ English writing", International Journal of Kansei Information, 4(1), 13 - 20, March, 2013.
Ho, Hui-chung、Kung, Kao-der、Liao, Su-lien、Nakasone, Ryoji、Hung, Jung-yen、Nagai, Masatake. " An Analysis of the Pretest Result and Its Influence Factors Based on GRA, ATLAS.ti and ISM--A Case Study on Philosophy of Education Course", Journal of Grey System,95-111, June, 2013.
Liao, S. L. "Links and blocks: the role of language in Samuel Beckett’s selected plays", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 86, International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering, 8(2), 69- 74, 2014
Liao, S. L. "Integrating blogging into peer assessment on college students’ English writing", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 86, International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering, 8(2), 81 - 84, 2014.
Liao, S.L. "The characteristics of good English textbooks: the perspectives of non-English majors in college", Advances in Education Research, 52, 2014.
Liao, S.L. "A study on college students’ reflection on service-learning activity", Advances in Education Research, 53, 2014.
何慧群、廖素蓮、宮高德、仲宗根良治、許天維、永井正武,〈運用 5W1H、ISM、AHP 與 GRA 構造較適國小師資培育模式研究-國小教育實務與行政工作者觀點〉,《測驗統計年刊》,21卷第2期,2013,12,頁57-89。
何慧群、廖素蓮、范德孝、阮逢選、阮福海、永井正武 ,〈運用GS-P Chart與GSM教育工學分析與表徵試題作答邏輯-以教育哲學測驗為例〉,《大陸教育學術研討會-海峽兩岸教師教育高端論壇》2014.4。
Liao, S. L. "A Study on Hidden Curriculum of Ability Grouping Instruction in College English Classes", 2nd International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, 135-138, April, 2013.
何慧群、廖素蓮、宮高德、洪裕 堂 、 姜 秀 傑 、 許 天 維 、 永 井 正 武,〈運用多叢集詮釋結構模式分析與表徵測驗結果結構研究-以教育哲學測驗為例-〉,《2013第五屆科技與數學教育國際學術研討會暨數學教學工作坊》,2013.6,頁538-555。
廖素蓮、劉維玲、何慧群、永井正武,〈科大學生英文自傳寫作之錯誤分析與探討〉,《第十七屆灰色系統理論與應用暨第四屆感性工學聯合研討會》,2012.12, 頁292-298。
Hsin-Hon Chen, Su-Lien Liao, “A Study on Leisure Needs and Leisure Constraints of Senior Citizens in Taichung City,” International Sociological Association Research Committee on Sociology of Leisure Mid-term Conference and 2009 China Annual Symposium on Leisure and Social Progress, Oct, 2009.
何慧群、廖素蓮、仲宗根良治、永井正武 ,〈 以Gardner未來心智構造臺灣國小師資培育專業目標研究〉, 《培育新時代良師》,台北:五南,2013年。